There is an Examination Cell (E-cell) is an apex body of the Institute which is headed by the Co-ordinator of Examinations with supporting staff. Conducting of all examinations is the prime responsibilities of the Examination cell. Further, this cell coordinates all the Board Examination relevant works. The Co-ordinator of Examinations supports the Principal in regards to all examination matters. Any information either received or required to be sent to the DOTE are being dealt with in this cell.
- Examination Cell serves all Examination notices received from DOTE to all concerned.
- Examination cell prepares Circulars for students regarding Exam Fee Collection, the last date of fee Collection and modalities of payments of fine etc.
- Examination Cell takes all precautions while preparing Examination Time table, Invigilation duties, seating plans for the students in the Examination halls, for smooth conducting of Examinations etc.
- Examination Cell keeps all records pertaining to examinations.
- Arrangement of papers received from DOTE in series.
- Exam cell maintains a stock register to know the progress of booklets.
- Hall plan, Invigilation duty chart, Seat Allotment for the respective exam is prepared by the exam cell.
- Exam cell maintains a file for both internal & external staff.
- The Board Examination answer sheets will be sent to the DOTE on the respective dates.
- Any information either received or required to be sent to the DOTE are being dealt within the Exam cell.